An on-demand course designed to help you literally cultivate

To the lightworkers, practitioners & healers...

Amplify your energy, increase your light with energetic 'fitness' via Qi Gong and Light Language. You will build and cultivate energy to become a stronger beacon of Light in all the ways you choose to express & embody that in your work and life.

The course is designed to help you:

  • Cultivate and learn to increase energy in your field. The training every lightworker needs to avoid feeling smashed after clients, or not having enough energy to then do 'day to day' activities.

  • Magnify your Spiritual Light so you can expand your literal capacity to conduct more energy, anchor more light and for self protection.

  • Awaken DNA codes and unlock potential already within you so you can get the next pieces for your soul path. Yes, there IS always more.

  • Expand your spiritual family, attune to different cosmic, earthly energies and spirit beings now ready to assist on your journey through life.

QiGong is a tool to access the field of
potential energy available to all of us

Uplift and elevate your energy in 7 days
to gain new soul expansion and energy training techniques to awaken more of your power.


3 Easy Ways To Create A Comfy

Reading Nook

Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning cartoons, we are the real deal. Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning. cartoons, we are the real deal. Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning cartoons, we are the real deal. Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning.

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Activate energies and codes already within you, access messages from the universe and soul level insights to assist in your current growth.

Summon life force energy to build strength and vitality. Learn techniques to build energetic resilience and capacity to hold more Light.

Deepen your psychic senses, connection to your higher self and meet new spirit guides and light beings.

Expand Your Spiritual Family

Cultivating Your Energy Properly Can help You Raise Your Vibration

When you keep evolving and raising your vibration, you will attract spiritual and light beings who match your frequency and are in resonance with you and your mission.


Profound! I felt a visceral experience of my soul identity, I've got sh* to do in this life, I'm a warrior! I just wanted more time to soak [the meditation journeys] all up!


The light language broke through all my defenses, it broke through to the emotional side so I could get higher insights to this pain I was having. Yet it was soft and melted my whole heart.


The year of coming to Katara's events has been healing for me, I often feel the dragon frequencies and see [Katara] so shamanic! She's able to hold space and facilitate groups in a way to inspire transformation.

AWAKEN is a 7 Day course that includes:


Content to support your practice to get the most out of your training. Includes 'Black White Mirror of the Soul' shadow work techniques 'Setting up for Success'.

Inner Journey Meditations

Energy transmissions for you to meet a new spiritual ally / muse or Dragon guide including voice guided meditations and ashamanic drum journey.

Light Language Activations

Receive channeled frequencies through to assist in your self & soul expansion. Activations to amplify energies within you, awaken DNA& light codes available in the universal field.

Online Private Group Community

A safe energetic space to allow personal and collective transformation to happen. BONUS LIVE trainings and a place to continue Qi Gong together as your practice evolves.

7 Qi Gong

Pre-recorded trainings to learn the basics and foundations of Qi Gong to build energetic capacity. Practice how to build Qi with various exercises at the Vital, Astral, & Mental level.

1 on 1
integration call

30 minutes 1 on 1 time with Katara to debrief post training + outline the supporting practices for your integration and embodiment. We will also discuss next steps to working together, if you choose to.

AWAKEN is only US$255

intro offer, course valued at US$800+

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Exclusive Content For My Fave Peeps

Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning cartoons, we are

the real deal. Like blue jeans, apple pie, and Saturday morning

cartoons, we are the real deal.

"As within, so without; as without, so within."

We build CRITICAL MASS in building energy together to reach breakthroughs and aha moments. That's why I strongly encourage you commit the 7 days in a row so you KNOW how this practice helps you.

You have soul time access,
all recordings & training will be available online.

  • Training and practice sessions will bring clarity as to how 'Qi Gong' and training energetic fitness will amplify and support YOU and the work you are doing

  • Learning is not linear, especially when you are in a group. When you engage in the group (private community) sessions, you may double - triple what you learn. More spiritual family and energies are present for everyone's benefit.

  • Light Language activations will directly speak to what YOUR soul resonates with to bring certain energies online - it happens at deep levels beyond the conscious level. You don't grow or evolve if energies just stay the same...

  • Walk away with new techniques and tools to help yourself, so you can better serve others. Become aware of your 'gaps' and where you can choose to train more.

What fellow lightworkers and students are saying...


A shamanic and energy practitioner

shares how qigong keeps her channel clear and energy transmissions activate from within


A lemurian healing

teacher & healer

shares how qigong helps her expand her capacity to hold light and even heal faster


A spiritual teacher & qigong practitioner

shares her feedback about Katara's light language transmissions and how they have helped her

I know you are the kind of lightworker who does the 'inner work'
and keeps up-leveling your practice.

Let this be a time to check with yourself then:

Would it serve you, if you have more 'juice' and 'fuel'
to power yourself, your work and your vision? Do you want to magnify your spiritual light and create more impact?

If the answer is yes, then this is for you.
There is always the next thing to 'awaken' and arise within you.

FAQ For You

What is the lineage of Qi Gong you teach?

I have trained with various Qi Gong masters, although the Qi Gong I'm now sharing is based on applied hermetics and universal laws.

I studied with Sifu Ludovic, who discovered the path of hermeticism, internal alchemy, kabbalah and Qi Gong over 25 years ago. Since then he has dedicated his life to the practice, teaching and healing.

Qi Gong is the tool we use to access the universal field of potential energies and frequencies. It is an ACTIVE practice working with energy premised on the fact we can powerfully understand something when we feel it.

We focus on feeling with our bodies as the pathway to understanding truth (rather than only believing, or visualising and imagining energy). The focus is on the actual building of more energy into our field in a way you can viscerally and literally feel. You will know that you have more energy, capacity and light to work with / from.

Do I need to be physically fit to do this course?

No, the Qi Gong does not involve much movement or 'forms'. Our practice is mostly seated, you would just need to be comfortable sitting.

That being said, as I will mention in the course, those who are physically active and train in other ways, will be able to experience greater and faster affects. Certain kinds of physical training amplifies your Qi Gong practice.

What if I'm only interested in some aspects of this course?

Everything is interrelated, I've kept the most succinct points of what's most foundational in this introduction course before we do more advanced training together.

The course is designed for you to experience the different facets of how I teach and share my expression of light. A piece of advice I'll pass on is, take the best, leave the rest!

How long should I take to complete the course?

My suggestion is you do the QiGong Trainings for 7 days in a row once you decide to start. It's designed so you can feel the build up of energy and directly attribute it to your training. It's the 'critical mass' needed so you can experience the effects.

It's a bit like pushing something heavy and difficult UP a hill, and every time you stop it slips backwards and regresses a bit. When you push it again, you have to make up a bit and THEN push further.

More days in between training means we are pushing ahead LESS, and just end up backtracking to build again. For training purposes, it really is just more effective to learn in this way, especially when we are not in person.

You can take in the masterclasses when you feel you have more space.

How long will I have access to the course content?

You will have access online to the course for as long as I offer it. You have soul time access to the processes shared, it's up to you to take good notes and train. I do suggest you make the most of participating, asking questions and engaging in the online community designed to support your training outcomes.

What can I expect to do with qigong after this course?

Awaken is an offering from much crafting, honing and sieving through 3000+ hours of training and personal development to help you enhance YOUR light work in the world.

We are on a lifetime journey to master the energetics, the principles of hermetics and truth of the universe, we must continue to train and evolve. My expectation is that after this initial offering, you can see how QiGong helps you. Take advantage of the 1 on 1 session to be specific about how these practices integrate into your spiritual practice and life.


Katara is an Intuitive Healer and Transformation Teacher who offers grounded practical teachings focused on helping conscious, sensitive and purpose-seeking people to awaken and activate all the power they BE in creating a better world together. She has touched the lives of hundreds of people hailing from 6 continents and over 20 countries through her healing, coaching and teaching work.

Katara has supported a worldwide community through meditation & healing offerings, sacred circles and online courses to help others to live a soul- led life with more clarity, purpose and embodied expression. She also works with other lightworkers and practitioners on how to amplify energy and light through Qi Gong / Energy training and Light Language.

As one who is committed to her own path of unfolding her multidimensional cosmic self, Katara loves to explore cosmic but grounded wisdom with other light brothers and sisters on her podcast Awakening Dragons.

Her background includes over a decade of professional experience in business until awakening to a soul- missioned life. Katara's 3000+ hours of training and personal development across multiple disciplines include yoga, hypnotherapy, reiki, shamanism and energy healing, qi gong, and counselling.

Katara believes deeply in the power of curiosity, creativity and community for healing and growth. She is ever in wonder of the mystery of life; she relishes in the infinite possibilities to create in life towards taking our sacred place of belonging within the whole.


If you're still not sure how this help you, why don't you just contact me and ask. Tell me what you do, what piques your curiosity here and I will gladly clarify how this will benefit YOU.


Katara Sky


©2024 Katara Sky